Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Plum good Grilled Chicken

I probably should start by saying that, generally speaking, my recipes are inspired by others that I've read or seen, and I typically run the concept by my wife to get her opinion. In this case, we had marinated some chicken a couple weeks ago using excess sand plum jelly she had made, which inspired this variation. 

We usually buy a large package of boneless, skinless chicken breasts from a national wholesale vendor, slice the breasts in half and grill the whole batch at once. This way we have a delicious hot meal, can freeze some for a later meal, and stick a few in the fridge for consumption within a week. Therefore, quantities for my marinades are sort of arbitrary; on this one I will probably add more, but the fact that I ran out of tamari limited the use of other ingredients. Approximately, though, for about 10 breasts:

          2 T. Tamari (or soy) sauce
          2-3 T. Plum Butter (or substitute other jams, I've done sand plum jam)
          1 T. Sambal Oeleak
           Juice from half a lime

Toss it all together in a big Baggie with the chicken breasts and let it set for 30 minutes or so, then grill over medium heat (and I'm not going to tell you how to grill, but please be sure it's cooked all through).

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