Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cosmic Weather Wars

It's been an interesting, weird weather year in Oklahoma, and it seems almost s if there's a war going on in the going on in the heavens that we get to witness here on earth. First, last winter we had a fierce freeze and horrible blizzards. Then, in May we had another long tornado that traveled several miles and claimed at least two lives. A drought followed the tornadoes, lasting through June and July and into August.

That's really where we felt the first vibrations of cosmic war. The drought was arid and heavy, oppressive like hell. Early August brought some rain; violent winds, extreme bolts of lightening shooting across the sky, large hail and all the trimmings. Strange, it seemed that the angels were having a contest to see who could do the most energetic event with nature. The storms lasted about three days, then an eerie calm settled in, with temps back in the 90's. Although the dry spell continued a few more weeks, the oppressive heat was no more.

Then we had vibrations of a different sort. For the first time, I felt the earth move under my feet as a 5.6 or 7 earthquake rattled the house and most of Oklahoma. Initially I thought at helicopter was landing in the front yard. We had one do that last year when friends from Shawnee came by and offered rides to the family. The house shook rather violently, although nothing fell off the wall, and the east side brick cracked top to porch. We felt aftershocks a couple times since, but to sat that's been the extent of it.

Now, February a year later, it feels like hell froze over!

So what's going on? Is there a battle for the world taking place? Is there any credence to the whole Mayan calendar thing? Stay tuned!

(obviously, we've passed the Mayan Calendar thing and the world didn't come to an end.


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