Thursday, August 13, 2015

Out of trouble and into glory

Often we are told the story of Moses and his leading the people of Isreal out of Egypt, which includes the glorious parting of the Red Sea. In that event, the Children of God are backed up against the sea, crying and complaining that Moses has led them out of captivity only to be slaughtered by Pharoah's army. Upon instruction from God, Moses holds forth his rod, the sea parts and the people cross over into safety. The stuff of movies!

But I wasn't quite aware that there is another such parting of the waters miracle. In the opening chapters of the book of Joshua, the Isrealites are camped out on the banks of the Jordan River, having wondered in the wilderness for forty years after missing their first opportunity to cross over into the Promised Land. Moses has passed the mantle of leadership to Joshua and gone to the hills to be with God, and Joshua prays to God for a way to demonstrate to the people that he is the right man for the job, and that God is with them. Upon God's instruction, Josh has the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant to the water's edge and God parts the Jordan so that the people of Isreal can enter the land of Canaan. (Josh 3:13-17)

Two things strike me about that, although I'm sure there is more to be mined from these passages. First is the idea that when faced with an obstacle, sometimes the answer is the same. Moses was in dire straits with trouble pressing in, and the waters parted in answer. Joshua was languishing in leadership, not facing a formidable foe, and the waters parted. In the first instance, getting out of trouble; in the second, getting into promises. 

Second is the message of hope. After forty years of wandering and wondering, God used the same plan to move His people forward, first saving them from certain destruction, then, in spite of the wailing, crying, disobedience, disbelief and everything they went through, moving them into the promise of God. What that says to me is that, in spite of what I've done and how I've acted, it's not too late for God to move in my life.

Thanks be to God!

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